What are red flags? A red flag is a sign of danger, it’s a warning, an issue, it’s a significant problem.

If you hear any medical professional use any of the following phrases…these are your red flags!

  • ‘You’re not allowed’
  • ‘You have to’
  • ‘You can’t’

However, what you can do is:

  • You can change your provider, you can change your doctor and you can change your midwife.
  • You decide what you want to do and what you don’t want to do. Your body autonomy matters in pregnancy and labour.

Your body autonomy matters in pregnancy and labour and nobody else gets to make decisions for you. No is a complete sentence and you do not need to explain your reasoning behind your decisions.

Watch out for the red flags and don’t fall into the trap of being pressured into something you’re not sure about.

Has this happened to you during your pregnancy or birth? What did you do?

For more pregnancy top tips, check out my website JustExhale or my Instagram page: Pregnancy Yoga & Hypnobirthing (@sallyjustexhale) • Instagram photos and videos

red flags