Pregnancy Yoga

Preparing you physically and mentally for your pregnancy and labour from 14 weeks onwards.

Learn more about JustExhale Pregnancy Yoga

Classes are booked in blocks of 6 weeks at a time and each class is an hour and half long. Classes are specifically for pregnancy and are carefully designed to carry you through from early pregnancy right up to your baby’s arrival. Over the course you will learn breathing techniques, positions and movements to help support you through your pregnancy, prepare you for labour and the arrival of your little one.

Every class ends with a lovely relaxation to allow you time to nurture yourself and bond with your baby. Classes are informal, light hearted, empowering, friendly and supportive.

The practice of pregnancy yoga is one of the best forms of exercise in pregnancy, it’s safe and gentle, supports you physically and emotionally during a time of huge change, and helps to promote a sense of well-being and confidence. Classes ensure that every individual gets the attention and support that they need allowing you time to bond with your baby.

Pregnancy yoga classes include:

  • Active birth positions and breathing techniques
  • Hypnobirthing style deep level relaxation

Pregnancy yoga classes focus on:

  • Easing common aches, pains and discomfort such as…..
  • Back pain, pelvic pain, sciatica, swollen joints, carpal tunnel, heartburn and constipation, PGP/SPD
  • Encouraging an awareness of breathing and relaxation techniques
  • Helping you stay mobile
  • Spinal and pelvic alignment
  • Promotes awareness of the pelvis and pelvic floor
  • Preparing for an empowered birth
  • Community. Making new friendships, building a support network

“…classes are absolutely amazing and have made such a difference to my pregnancy journey….makes you feel normal about the things you can expect (or have experienced) during pregnancy and fills you with so much confidence for the next steps…”


Start your journey with JustExhale Pregnancy Yoga