Help Center / FAQs

What are the benefits of pregnancy yoga?

Pregnancy yoga helps to prepare you physically and mentally, it gives you the natural tools to support you through your pregnancy and birth using a number of breathing techniques, positions and movements. Breathing and relaxation techniques help you to release tension, manage your discomfort levels and improve quality of sleep

Do I need any prior yoga experience?

No! The class is specifically designed to be accessible to all. No experience is necessary, the class is suitable for everyone from 14 weeks onwards.

When can I start?

Anytime from 14 weeks onwards right up until the day your baby arrives.

What do I need to bring with me to the class?

A yoga mat, cushion and blanket. We lie down for the relaxation element of the class and after the movement section you can feel a little chilly when you stop and lie down. The more comfortable you are, the more you will benefit from your relaxation!

What should I wear?

Please wear whatever you feel most comfortable in, leggings and tracksuit bottoms are absolutely fine, I’d recommend loose layers of clothing that allow you to move freely.