Our top tips for a happy labour. Labour can be a really daunting time but here at JustExhale, we want you to feel relaxed and confident as you embark on your next chapter.

  • Turn the lights down:

The more you can turn the lights down the better. Close the curtains and blinds. A dimly lit space will help to stimulate all those lovely birth hormones.

  • Stay off your back:

Yes, there’s a bed. You don’t need to lie down on it! Lying on your back can make contractions feel more intense than they need to and slow things down. Use the bed as a tool to try some other positions instead. When was the last time you saw another mammal lie down to give birth?

  • Minimise the number of people around:

Being watched by lots of people in the room can make you produce adrenalin which can significantly slow labour down.

  • Eat and drink if you want to:

When you’re hungry and or thirsty your body will produce adrenalin which can stall labour, eat and drink freely.

  • Write a birth plan:

No, you do not need to go with the flow. There are always options! It’s far easier to make a decision if you’ve had an opportunity to do some research beforehand and think things through.

For more top tips for labour, check out JustExhale or my Instagram: Hypnobirthing Pregnancy Yoga (@sallyjustexhale) • Instagram photos and videos