Here at JustExhale, we’ve become pretty familair with the process of labour and how the body gets ready to go into labour. When your due date is approaching, has arrived or maybe even passed, every single change in your body feels like it could be a sign that your baby could be on its way. There can be several signs that labour might be starting.

What are the 6 signs that your body might be getting ready for labour?

Contractions – As your body prepares for labour you may see an increase of Braxton Hicks contractions. These contractions are your body’s way of practising. They shouldn’t be painful but they can feel quite strange, as you feel a sense of pressure as your belly tightens. It can be difficult to tell the difference between Braxton Hicks and ‘real’ contractions in the early stages but it is often a good sign that labour is imminent. ‘Real’ contractions might start irregularly, low down in the abdomen an awful lot like period cramps that become longer, stronger and more frequent as labour progresses.

How to know when to go the hospital or birthing centre? – If you’re comfortable at home and managing with your contractions then it is better to stay at home for as long as possible, you’re more likely to progress more effectively at home in your own space. Before going in you are ideally looking to have a contraction last at least 1 minute long and having at least 1 contraction in the space of 5 minutes. If you’re happy at home but unsure whether you should go in or not or you would like some guidance, call your midwife or the maternity unit.

Bloody show – mucus plug comes away – Mucus is what plugs up the entrance to your cervix in pregnancy to protect your baby. It can sometimes can away all in one piece or it can come away in little blobs. This is good indication that your cervix is starting to prepare for labour. You may also see a bloody show, as your cervix starts to dilate you may see the mucus plug stained with a little blood. Labour may happen quickly following the mucus plug or it may take a few days.

Waters breaking – Your waters may break before contractions start or during the contractions. Some babies are even born completely intact in their amniotic sac. When your waters break it is important to note if there is any discolouration to the amniotic fluid or any unpleasant smell. Amniotic fluid should be clear in colour and should smell ever so slightly sweet. If there is any discolouration or unpleasant smell it is important that you seek immediate medical attention. If your waters break and you don’t go into spontaneous labour within 24 hours you’ll be offered an induction as without the amniotic fluid it can pose a potential risk of infection. It’s important to keep a close eye on your baby’s movements, your temperature and if there’s any change in vaginal discharge.

Backache – Some people get lower backache in early labour and you might feel that your back is achy or heavy. It can be a sign of the uterus working but it can also be a sign of the baby moving lower into the pelvis.

Urge to go the toilet – Diarrhoea and sickness can be a sign that labour is close. Your body releases hormones called prostaglandins that prepare and soften the cervix. This high level of hormone can cause your digestive system to empty anything that’s in there. This tends to be short lived and you should feel better afterwards. It is important to rehydrate once you feel ready as dehydration can cause complications in labour.

Nesting – Nesting normally starts a few weeks in advance of baby arriving, however you may experience a sudden extra surge of energy to get things done a few days before labour starts! Our nesting instinct is almost like a sign that says, ‘sorry baby, you can’t possibly come until these jobs are all done’. When I was having my littlest, my waters broke but there were no contractions so I decided to keep myself distracted and busy with jobs around the house. In my infinite wisdom I decided to empty the bathroom cupboard, it was a big task (and a huge cupboard) and took ages but I was determined to be done before baby arrived. Sure enough once I was finished, I relaxed and the contractions started to ramp up! It was the sign that my body needed in order to know I was ready and it was the right time for baby to arrive.

Labour can be a daunting time but knowing what signs are important to look out for will hopefully enable you to feel a little calmer and get a little excited at the prospect of meeting your new little human.

For more pregnancy and labour tips, follow me on Instagram: Pregnancy Yoga & Hypnobirthing (@sallyjustexhale) • Instagram photos and videos
