I’ve had all 3 of my babies in the water. The feeling of stepping into the warm water when you’re in active labour is indescribable. It feels absolutely amazing! Honestly, I couldn’t recommend it enough.
The warmth of the water alleviates some of the intensity of the contractions, supporting the weight of your bump, and helping you to move and change positions easily.
When can I get in the birthing pool?
Firstly, it will vary depending on who you ask. If you’re at home and don’t have a pool, you could get in the bath or maybe have a shower. You may find that the hospital or birthing centre suggest waiting until you’re further along. But if you have access to a pool and you want to get in, I’d say go for it.
What should I wear?
Wear whatever you want to wear, bra, sports bra, bikini, tankini, whatever makes you comfortable. I agonised for months over what I should wear, and I had a number of outfits ready but when the time came, I was so eager to get in the pool I couldn’t have cared less what I was wearing! I promise, the midwives really won’t bat an eyelid.
Can my birthing partner get in with me?
Yes, if you want them to.
How warm will the water be?
The midwife will monitor the temperature using a thermometer. The ideal temperature is body temperature, somewhere between 32-38 degrees.
Can my baby be born in the water?
Yes, your baby can be born in the water. As long as you and baby are doing ok and the midwife is happy you could stay in the water to have your golden first hour and deliver the placenta.
Can I have a water birth in hospital?
Not all maternity units will have a pool. Nevertheless, it’s worth checking with your chosen hospital and talking through the available options. The best way of making sure that you get a water birth would be to have a home birth.
Where can you get a birthing pool from?
There are companies that you can hire and buy a birthing pool from. You may even find some local groups, doulas or birthing centres have a birthing pool available to borrow.
How long does it take to fill?
It can take a while to fill a birthing pool depending on the water pressure, and availability of hot water. On average I would estimate it takes about 30 minutes.
How does baby breathe under the water?
Your baby doesn’t actually take their first breath until you bring them up out of the water. Whilst they’re still under the water baby will be getting all their oxygen via the umbilical cord and placenta.
For more information join me for a pregnancy yoga workshop or hypnobirthing class!
For information on the hypnobirthing classes I run or to find out more on whether it is right for you (it is!) pop over to my website JustExhale or my Facebook page: Just Exhale | Facebook