It’s important that you give consent for any interventions that may occur during labour. One of the most important things that we speak to expectant mums about is the ability for them to make the right decisions for themselves.
It’s really important that leading up to the birth of your baby you understand what interventions may be offered, what you’d be giving consent to and what your options are.
Interventions you may need to give your consent for…
- Having your waters broken for you.
- Having a sweep.
- Being induced.
- Having an episiotomy.
Of course, there are some emergency situations that may leave you without any time to have the relevant discussions. However, in most cases there will be time to ask questions and make your feelings known.
How to be your own advocate…
How do you advocate for yourself when an intervention is recommended in your pregnancy or labour? We know that this can be a daunting time especially if it is your first pregnancy; you may feel that you need to take the advice of professionals or others in order to know that you are giving your consent for the right reasons.
A really simple decision making tool that will help you to start making the decisions that are right for you is BRAINS. Ask the following questions ………
B – what are the benefits?
R – what are the risks?
A – what are the alternatives?
I – what’s your intuition telling you?
N – what if you do nothing?
S – smile! 😁
All of these are questions that can be asked to help clarify your understanding of the process, procedure or intervention. Your care providers should then provide you with evidence-based information which will enable you to make an informed decision on how to birth your baby. Follow your intuition even if intervention is wanted or needed.
Asking questions and making informed decisions, doesn’t make you a difficult patient, it makes you a prepared parent. This is something that we actively cover in the JustExhale antenatal and Hypnobirthing classes.
Save this for later and get in touch if you would like to know more tips on having an empowered birth! Or pop over to my website JustExhale or my Facebook page: Just Exhale | Facebook