If there’s a way to encourage an easier labour, we’re all for it. And so, we’re excited to tell you some amazing reasons to eat dates in the last 4 weeks of pregnancy! It could make your labour smoother and easier; what’s not to like about that?! 

Studies suggest that pregnant women who eat dates towards the end of pregnancy:

  • Are more likely to go into labour spontaneously i.e., no need for interventions such as induction.
  • Dilate faster. 
  • Experience a shorter first stage of labour. 

Also, dates contain phytoestrogen which can help to increase prostaglandins which are the hormones needed to soften and dilate the cervix. 

Dates are packed full of amazing nutrients and are great source of energy, protein, folate, vitamin k, potassium, iron and magnesium! The dreaded pregnancy constipation can also be eased as dates are full of fibre!

Did you eat dates during your pregnancy and if so, how was your labour journey?

My next hypnobirthing class will be running on Saturday the 22nd July. Come along and learn how to be calm, confident and in control during your labour journey. For more information pop over to my website JustExhale or my Facebook page: Just Exhale | Facebook

easier labour