Gas and air is a combination of nitrous oxide and oxygen. It’s a very commonly used and effective pain relief option in childbirth. It works really quickly and helps to alter your sense of discomfort and reduces pain. I used it in my first 2 labours and found it really helpful.
You’re likely be offered gas and air through a mouthpiece or mask. Inhale the gas and air as you start to feel the contraction rising; then keep breathing and inhaling through to the peak of the contraction. It may take a couple of contractions to get the timing right but keep trying and don’t give up!
With this form of pain relief, you’re completely in control of when and how you use it. You’re fully conscious and it doesn’t slow down your contractions. It’s also worth noting that just as gas and air works really quickly, it also wears off quickly so you won’t be left with any unpleasant effects!
Although it can make some people feel a bit spaced out and nauseous it’s a very good pain relief option which can be used at home, the birthing centre or on the labour ward.
Come and join us for the next hypnobirthing class on Sunday 17th September for more hints and tips relating to your pregnancy and labour journey. For more information pop over to my website JustExhale or my Facebook page: Just Exhale | Facebook