Listening to your hypnobirthing tracks in preparation for birth is one of the most important parts of your birth prep! Whilst you’re listening to your hypnobirthing tracks so much amazing stuff is happening in your brain.

When you listen to your hypnobirthing tracks, you’re in a deeply relaxed state. When you’re in a deeply relaxed state your conscious brain slows down and your subconscious brain absorbs everything it hears. The positive suggestions and affirmations you hear in your hypnobirthing tracks help create new neural pathways. These neural pathways help to reprogram your brain and influence how you feel and respond when you go into labour.

By listening to your hypnobirthing tracks regularly during pregnancy, the sound of my voice, the music and how relaxed you’re feeling, anchors the feelings of calm. So, every time you listen to them your body will instantly respond with feelings of calm relaxation.

Conditioning your subconscious brain to respond calmly when you go into labour means that when the contractions start, there’s no stress, panic or drama. Many hypnobirthing parents come back to me after they’ve had their babies and say, ‘Whilst I was in labour even though I wasn’t listening to the tracks. I could still hear your voice in my head! It was so reassuring!’

Get in touch if you’d like to know more about hypnobirthing and preparing for your positive birth experience. The next hypnobirthing course is Saturday the 17th June. The one following will be on Saturday the 22nd July.

To find out more pop over to my website JustExhale or my Facebook page: Just Exhale | Facebook
