I love sharing my tips with you and this is my top birth tip……… the first time your baby is weighed after they’re born, take a photo of your baby on the scales!
I’m fairly certain that my second baby weighed far more than was recorded at birth. He weighed 1lb more on his day 5 weigh-in which seemed a bit suspicious! It’s always made me wonder how accurate his recorded birth weight was! It’s easy to make a mistake when recording numbers so this is brilliant if there’s any questions about baby’s weight.
Also, weigh them again the following day especially if you received IV fluids during labour. Your baby’s weight could be significantly affected by the extra fluid. If your baby loses more than 10% of their birth weight It could be cause for concern and may indicate that your baby is not feeding as well as they could be. If your baby does lose weight, it may require you to see a paediatrician.
Give this job to your birth partner!
For more information and tips pop over to my website JustExhale or my Facebook page: Just Exhale | Facebook