Pregnancy cravings can come at any time and are really common. You may find yourself eating some pretty weird and wonderful combinations of food…gherkins and ice cream anyone?!
Although eating odd food combinations is really normal in pregnancy, craving non-food items may suggest a condition called pica. Ice, sponges, coal, soap and toilet roll are surprisingly common non-food items that people crave in pregnancy. Pica is most likely caused by a nutritional deficiency such as low iron, calcium, potassium and zinc levels. If you think that you’re experiencing pica speak to your midwife and they can run blood tests and investigate further.
I didn’t crave non-food items in my pregnancies but I could have sworn that my now 9 year old should have been a jacket potato and there was a time in my last pregnancy that I definitely and deliberately drove to the petrol station just to smell the petrol!
What’s been your weird and wonderful pregnancy cravings?
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