Although your midwife might suggest taking paracetamol in the early stages of labour are there any potential side effects and should you avoid it? The idea behind taking paracetamol is that it will ease the pain, make you feel more relaxed and therefore encourage labour to progress. However, research suggests that the common painkiller inhibits the production of prostaglandins which may actually make labour last longer.

Prostaglandins are hormone-like substances that are released in the early stage of labour. They help prepare the cervix for labour by softening, ripening, thinning and dilating it and are very important!

What can you try instead?

  • Sleep/Rest as much as possible.
  • A Tens machine. 
  • Hypnobirthing/breathing techniques. 
  • Keep moving – using upright and forward-leaning positions. 
  • Essential oils.
  • Take a shower/bath.
  • Eat/drink freely.

For more top tips on how to cope with labour, visit my website JustExhale or my Instagram: Pregnancy Yoga & Hypnobirthing (@sallyjustexhale) • Instagram photos and videos
