The active phase of labour is when the cervix typically dilates from 4 to 10cm. 10cm is when the cervix is considered fully dilated and your baby is ready to be born.
During the active part of labour, labour tends to be a bit more predictable and consistent.
Active labour is when you’d expect contractions to be more regular, closer together, longer and more uncomfortable.
The contractions may start to feel really different than earlier on in labour. In the beginning, the contractions focus on the lower part of the abdomen. As your labour progresses you’ll start to feel the contractions from the top of the uterus.
Your waters might break if they haven’t already. As the contractions begin to intensify, your body will be working hard to move your baby downwards to be born.
If you’ve gone into labour spontaneously this will all happen gradually. Once you’re fully dilated, you’ll enter the pushing stage of labour!
For more information to help you prepare for labour, check out my website JustExhale and my Instagram: Hypnobirthing Pregnancy Yoga (@sallyjustexhale) • Instagram photos and videos