Due dates are not accurate and are complete nonsense!

  • Most pregnancies last 10 months, not 9.
  • Due dates are based on old and poor evidence and research.
  • Approximately 4% of babies are born on their due date. Around 80% of babies are born somewhere between 40-42 weeks.
  • Due dates vary across the world….42 ,43 and even 44 weeks

Babies that go past their due date are not being stubborn or difficult and any suggestion that they are is wrong. Trust in your body and trust in your ability to give birth. If you are advised to have an induction because your due date has passed, ask about choices and question everything. Learn about the maternity system and how to navigate it. You and your baby are individual and you deserve support and care that is individual to you not a one size fits all approach.

For more information, take a look at my website JustExhale or my Instagram: Hypnobirthing Pregnancy Yoga (@sallyjustexhale) • Instagram photos and videos

Due dates